External Penetration Testing

Discover weaknesses in your publicly accessible assets, such as web applications, APIs, email services, firewalls, and more, to strengthen your protection against external risks.

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Our Knowledge and Skill Set


Evaluating Exposed Assets

Our expert team conducts a thorough assessment of your externally facing assets to uncover potential vulnerabilities. This encompasses web applications, APIs, email services, firewalls, and other components exposed to the external environment.


Simulating Exploitation

Utilizing advanced techniques, we replicate real-world attacks to exploit identified vulnerabilities. By gaining insights into how attackers could potentially breach your defenses, we offer practical guidance to bolster your security posture.


Enhancing External Protections

Building upon our findings, we deliver comprehensive recommendations to fortify your external protections. This includes addressing vulnerabilities through patching, implementing secure configurations, and strengthening security controls to mitigate the risks stemming from external threats.


Enter the Safety Zone

1: Assess Your Vulnerabilities

Before you can defend your cyber frontier, you must understand its weaknesses. Conduct a thorough vulnerability assessment to identify potential entry points and weaknesses in your network, systems, and applications. This assessment serves as the foundation for building a robust defense

2: Implement Strong Access Controls

Access control is your first line of defense. Ensure that only authorized personnel have access to sensitive data and critical systems. Implement multi-factor authentication, strong password policies, and role-based access controls to limit exposure to potential threats.

3: Regularly Update and Patch

Cyber adversaries often target known vulnerabilities in outdated software. Regularly update and patch your operating systems, applications, and firmware to eliminate these vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of exploitation.

4: Exploitation and Risk Validation

Stay one step ahead of possible attackers as FDT simulates real-world attack scenarios to exploit detected vulnerabilities. We verify the seriousness of the hazards and give practical suggestions for mitigating them by recreating the methods used by cybercriminals.

5: Comprehensive Reporting and Recommendations

Insight into the vulnerabilities found in the external penetration testing via FDT's thorough report. In order to help you fix vulnerabilities, adopt secure configurations, and strengthen your external defenses, our specialists offer clear and actionable solutions.

6: Post-Assessment Support and Consultation

continued support beyond the assessment process.. Our professionals provide consultations to ensure the proper execution of the recommended security measures.
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Internal Penetration Testing

We conduct cybersecurity solution testing to fortify your internal network against simulated attacks from intruders who have breached your defenses. This testing ensures the resilience of your IT environment against internal threats.

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Our Proficiency


Replicating Internal Threats

Cyber security penetration testing in Dubai replicates the techniques and strategies that potential internal intruders might employ. By adopting the perspective of an attacker, we pinpoint vulnerabilities and weaknesses that may exist within your internal network.


Assessing Internal Security Protocols

Our penetration testing and validation services evaluate the efficiency of your internal security protocols, encompassing access controls, privilege management, and network segmentation. This process reveals any vulnerabilities that internal threats could potentially exploit.


Augmenting Internal Security

The cyber defense testing report provides actionable recommendations to fortify your internal security controls. This includes enhancing access management, implementing intrusion detection systems, and raising employee awareness.


Guard Your Digital Fort

1: Conduct Regular Security Audits

Frequently assess your digital fortifications with security audits. Identify vulnerabilities, patch them promptly, and ensure all software and systems are up to date.

2: Educate Your Troops

Ensure that your team is well-informed about cybersecurity threats. Regular training can turn your employees into vigilant defenders who can recognize and thwart potential attacks.

3: Strengthen the Perimeter

Invest in firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and intrusion prevention systems to fortify the perimeter of your digital fort. Monitor network traffic for suspicious activity.

4: Post-Assessment Support and Consultation

Rely on FDT's ongoing support beyond the assessment phase. We are committed to assisting you in implementing the recommended security measures effectively. Our experts offer consultations and guidance to ensure the robustness of your internal defenses.

5: Safeguarding Your Organization

With FDT's Internal Penetration Testing, fortify your internal network and protect your critical assets. Our eye-catching approach and cutting-edge methodologies will help you identify vulnerabilities, enhance your security posture, and ensure your IT environment remains resilient against internal breaches.
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Strengthen Your Cyber Defenses Today!

Do not delay until cyber threats breach your defenses. Schedule a detailed penetration test today and fortify your cybersecurity measures.

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Application Penetration Testing

Experts at penetration testing in Dubai specialize in detecting and mitigating security vulnerabilities within your applications. We use a comprehensive approach that encompasses extensive vulnerability scanning, in-depth code review, and rigorous exploitation testing. This process is designed to enhance the resilience of your software, ensuring its robustness against potential security threats.

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Penetration Testing Solutions in Dubai


Thorough Vulnerability Scanning

Our security testing uses modern tools and methodologies to scan your applications, leaving no stone unturned. We scrutinize the front-end and back-end components of your applications.


Code Assessment

We conduct an extensive code review to uncover any security weaknesses embedded within your application's codebase. This approach encompasses security penetration testing to address common vulnerabilities.


Testing and Resolution

We simulate real-world attacks aimed at exploiting the vulnerabilities we've identified. This process allows us to assess their potential impact and provide actionable recommendations for remediation.


Evaluating Security, One Hack at a Time

Step 1: Monitor for Intruders

Deploy security monitoring tools and techniques to detect intruders. Anomalous activities can be an early indicator of a breach.

Step 2: Develop an Incident Response Plan

Prepare for the worst-case scenario with a well-documented incident response plan. This plan should outline steps to take in case of a breach, ensuring a swift and coordinated response.

Step 3: Backup Data Regularly

Frequently back up your data to ensure its availability in case of a cyberattack or data loss incident. Test your backups to confirm their integrity.

Step 4: Exploitation Testing

Drawing from real-world attack techniques, we simulate exploitation attempts on your applications. Through controlled testing, we identify any vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by malicious actors. Our goal is to understand how attackers might breach your defenses and provide you with actionable recommendations to mitigate these risks.

Step 5: Reporting and Recommendations

Upon completion of the testing phase, we deliver a comprehensive report outlining the identified vulnerabilities and their potential impact. We provide clear and concise recommendations, prioritized by risk level, to assist your development team in remediation efforts.

Step 6: Remediation Support and Reassessment

We offer ongoing support to help your team implement the recommended security measures effectively. Our experts are available to answer any questions, provide guidance on best practices, and assist with the remediation process. We can also conduct a reassessment to validate the effectiveness of the remediation efforts.
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Social Engineering Assessment

Evaluate your company's ability to defend against phishing and vishing threats by simulating real-world attack methods used by malicious actors, thereby enhancing your workforce's security awareness.

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Our Expertise


Phishing Assessment

We execute precise phishing campaigns to gauge your staff's susceptibility to social engineering attacks. By crafting lifelike phishing emails and closely monitoring responses, we evaluate your organization's susceptibility to phishing attempts.


Vishing Evaluation

Our professionals use voice-centric social engineering strategies to assess your employees' responses to telephone-based attacks. By conducting simulated vishing calls, we measure their capacity to detect and react effectively to potential threats.


Security Awareness Enhancement

Incorporating our discoveries, we deliver tailored security awareness training to educate and empower your workforce. This training includes actionable advice on recognizing and mitigating social engineering risks, ultimately strengthening your overall security posture.


Stages of Penetration Testing

Preparation and Assessment

In the first phase, we define the test's scope and objectives, assemble our skilled testing team, gather initial target environment information, and secure the necessary permissions for legal compliance.

Testing and Analysis

In this phase, we actively probe the target system for vulnerabilities, prioritize them based on impact, attempt exploitation, and document findings with security recommendations.

Reporting and Remediation

After testing, we create a comprehensive report outlining the identified vulnerabilities and their potential impact. We document the entire process for future reference and facilitate knowledge transfer to enhance overall security awareness and practices.

Reporting and Recommendations

Following the social engineering testing, we provide a detailed report highlighting vulnerabilities, successful attack vectors, and areas for improvement. Our comprehensive recommendations focus on strengthening your organization's human defenses, including policies, procedures, and training initiatives.
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Compliance-driven Penetration Testing

It is a crucial element of ensuring that your organization adheres to industry-specific regulations and standards. By conducting targeted penetration tests, we help you meet compliance mandates such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2, and more. Our assessments ensure that your systems and processes not only meet regulatory requirements but also remain secure against potential threats and vulnerabilities.

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Why Choose Our Penetration Testing Services


Deep Understanding of Threats

Our experts possess a profound understanding of evolving cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. This knowledge enables us to dig deep into your systems and networks, uncovering potential weaknesses that could be exploited by malicious actors.


Cross-Industry Excellence

We take pride in our ability to excel across diverse industries and regulatory frameworks. Whether you're in finance, healthcare, e-commerce, or any other sector, our team brings industry-specific insights to the table, ensuring that our penetration testing aligns with your unique needs and compliance requirements.


Cutting-Edge Tools and Techniques

We stay on the cutting edge of cybersecurity technology, using the latest tools and methodologies to simulate real-world attacks. This approach allows us to accurately assess your organization's readiness to withstand modern threats.


Why Penetration Testing Matters

1: Proactive Security

Penetration testing allows you to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity. By identifying weaknesses in your infrastructure before attackers do, you can mitigate risks and prevent costly data breaches.

2: Compliance

Many industries and regulations require regular penetration testing as part of their compliance standards. Ensuring your organization is compliant not only avoids legal repercussions but also demonstrates a commitment to security.

3: Risk Reduction

Penetration testing helps you understand the potential impact of security vulnerabilities and prioritize their remediation. This risk reduction strategy is crucial in today's threat landscape.
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Remote Access Penetration Testing

Penetration testing solutions in Dubai address the security challenges of remote work. Our service focuses on identifying misconfigurations, access control vulnerabilities, and security gaps within your cloud, VPN, and firewall infrastructure, helping you effectively mitigate associated risks.

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Types of Penetration Testing


Black Box Testing

In black box testing, the penetration tester has no prior knowledge of the target system. This simulates an external hacker's perspective, where the tester starts with no internal information.


White Box Testing

It is also known as clear box, white box testing provides the penetration tester with full knowledge of the target system, including internal architecture, source code, and system documentation. This approach is often used to identify vulnerabilities from an insider's perspective.


Gray Box Testing

Gray box testing falls between black box and white box testing. Testers have partial knowledge of the target system, simulating scenarios where some internal information is available but not comprehensive.


Our Other Testing Techniques

Web Application Testing

Website penetration testing in UAE specifically targets web applications, including websites and web-based services, to identify vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and authentication flaws.

Mobile Application Testing

Mobile application penetration testing assesses the security of mobile apps on various platforms (iOS, Android) to uncover vulnerabilities that could compromise sensitive data or functionality.

Network Penetration Testing

Network penetration testing involves assessing the security of an organization's network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, and network services, to identify weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers.

Vulnerability Remediation

Our comprehensive reports provide actionable recommendations for remediating vulnerabilities and strengthening your remote access security. We guide you in implementing necessary security controls, patching vulnerabilities, and enhancing remote access policies to ensure a robust and secure remote work environment.

Ongoing Monitoring and Support

We understand the importance of continuous monitoring and support for your remote work infrastructure. Our team offers ongoing monitoring services to detect and respond to emerging threats, ensuring the security of your remote access systems and providing you with peace of mind.
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Wireless Penetration Testing

Enhance Your Wireless Network Security with penetration testing UAE, which identifies and mitigates threats like unauthorized access, evil twin attacks, wireless sniffing, and other vulnerabilities.

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Our Proficiency


Actionable Recommendations

Beyond identifying vulnerabilities, we provide actionable recommendations to enhance your wireless network security. Our goal is not just to find weaknesses but to empower you to address them effectively.


Regulatory Compliance

We are well-versed in compliance requirements related to wireless security. Our testing ensures that your wireless networks align with industry standards and regulatory mandates.


Client Satisfaction

With a track record of delivering results, our wireless penetration testing services have earned the trust of clients from diverse industries. Your satisfaction and security are our top priorities.


Objectives of Penetration Testing

Target Systems and Assets

Clearly define which systems, networks, and assets are within the scope of the penetration test. This includes specifying whether the test covers internal systems, external-facing systems, web applications, mobile applications, cloud services, or a combination thereof.

Testing Methodology

Specify the testing approach to be used, such as black-box, white-box, or gray-box testing. In black-box testing, the tester has no prior knowledge of the target systems, while white-box testing involves full knowledge of the systems. Gray-box testing falls in between, with partial knowledge.

Testing Depth

Determine the depth of testing required. For instance, you might specify whether the test should simulate insider threats, external attacks, or both. This helps focus the assessment on specific threat scenarios.

Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

Wireless security is an ongoing process. Our team offers continuous monitoring services to detect and respond to emerging wireless threats. We help you stay updated with the latest security patches and ensure the ongoing security and integrity of your wireless network.
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Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Examine readily accessible data to detect possible threats, evaluate your organization's vulnerability, and take proactive measures to mitigate potential attack vectors.

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Our Expertise


Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Research

Our team conducts thorough research utilizing open-source intelligence to gather insights into your organization's online presence, encompassing public websites, social media profiles, and other publicly available data.


Threat Assessment

We analyze this information to pinpoint potential security threats and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious individuals. This encompasses identifying possible attack vectors and assessing the broader risk landscape.


Proactive Risk Mitigation

Drawing from our findings, we offer proactive recommendations and strategies to mitigate these identified risks. Our solutions may entail enhancing online privacy settings, implementing security measures, and optimizing your overall digital presence.


Challenges in Penetration Testing

Scope Definition

Accurately defining the scope of testing can be challenging, as omitting critical assets or systems may leave vulnerabilities undiscovered.

False Positives/Negatives

Distinguishing between false positives (non-vulnerabilities flagged as vulnerabilities) and false negatives (actual vulnerabilities missed) can be complex but crucial for accurate results.

Legal and Ethical Concerns

Complying with legal and ethical boundaries, especially when conducting tests on external systems, is challenging but essential to avoid legal repercussions.

Continuous Monitoring and Alerting

To stay ahead of emerging threats, we offer continuous monitoring and alerting services. Our advanced tools and techniques enable us to monitor the digital landscape and proactively identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. This ensures that you can take timely actions to protect your organization's assets.
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Red Team Penetration Testing

Execute unannounced, lifelike attacks to assess the efficiency of your preventive measures, detection systems, employee vigilance, and incident response capabilities.

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Overcoming Challenges In Penetration Testing


Define Scope Clearly

Penetration testing companies in Dubai thoroughly define the scope of the penetration test, including what's included and excluded. Maintain open communication with stakeholders to ensure alignment with objectives.


Hire Skilled Testes

Employ skilled testers and use automated tools with careful analysis to reduce false positives and negatives. Verify findings to ensure accuracy.


Follow Legal Guidelines

Prioritize legal and ethical considerations. Obtain necessary permissions and work with legal counsel to ensure compliance. Respect the boundaries set by contracts and laws.


Our Target

Target Resistance

Utilize a stealthy and low-impact approach to avoid detection. Communicate clearly with the organization about the need for realistic scenarios and their potential resistance.

Data Privacy and Confidentiality

Handle sensitive data with care, encrypt it when necessary, and ensure it is not exposed during testing. Adhere to data protection regulations and ethical guidelines.

Effective Reporting

Craft detailed, yet understandable reports that highlight vulnerabilities and their potential impact. Customized reports to different stakeholders, providing technical details for IT teams and summaries for executives.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does penetration testing help organizations in adhering to cybersecurity regulations and standards in Dubai?

Penetration testing supports organizations by facilitating compliance with regulatory requirements and international standards through the detection and rectification of security vulnerabilities.

What are the potential consequences for organizations in Dubai if they do not conduct periodic penetration testing?

Failure to carry out routine penetration testing can result in unauthorized access, data breaches, violations of regulatory requirements, financial repercussions, and harm to an organization's reputation. Regular assessments are imperative.

How often should organizations engage in penetration testing to uphold robust cybersecurity defenses?

The frequency of penetration testing may vary depending on an organization's specific requirements and the changing threat landscape. Typically, it is performed on an annual basis and after significant system alterations.

Connect With Us To Secure The Cyber World.

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