External Penetration Testing

Uncover vulnerabilities in your internet-facing assets, including web applications, APIs, email services, firewalls, and more, to fortify your defenses against external threats.

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Assessing Internet-Facing Assets

Our expert team conducts a thorough examination of your internet-facing assets to identify potential vulnerabilities. This includes web applications, APIs, email services, firewalls, and other components that are exposed to the external environment.


Exploiting Weaknesses

Using advanced techniques, we simulate real-world attacks to exploit identified vulnerabilities. By understanding how attackers can breach your defenses, we provide actionable insights to strengthen your security posture.


Strengthening External Defenses

Based on our findings, we provide comprehensive recommendations to fortify your external defenses. This includes patching vulnerabilities, implementing secure configurations, and enhancing security controls to mitigate the risks associated with external threats.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Scoping and Goal Definition

Collaborate with FDT's expert team to define the scope and objectives of your external penetration testing engagement. We work closely with you to understand your specific needs, ensuring a tailored and effective testing process

Step 2: Reconnaissance and Intelligence Gathering

Leverage FDT's advanced techniques to gather critical information about your internet-facing assets. Our experts delve into both technical and non-technical sources, enabling us to gain valuable insights for identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Step 3: Vulnerability Identification and Assessment

FDT's skilled team employs cutting-edge tools and manual techniques to conduct a meticulous examination of your web applications, APIs, email services, firewalls, and more. Our thorough approach leaves no room for vulnerabilities to hide.

Step 4: Exploitation and Risk Validation

Stay one step ahead of potential attackers as FDT simulates real-world attack scenarios to exploit identified vulnerabilities. By replicating cybercriminal techniques, we validate the severity of the risks and provide actionable insights for mitigation.

Step 5: Comprehensive Reporting and Recommendations

Receive a detailed report from FDT, shedding light on the vulnerabilities discovered during the external penetration testing. Our experts provide clear and actionable recommendations, guiding you through the process of patching vulnerabilities, implementing secure configurations, and fortifying your external defenses.

Step 6: Post-Assessment Support and Consultation

Count on FDT's ongoing support beyond the assessment phase.. Our experts provide consultations to ensure the effective implementation of the recommended security measures.
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Internal Penetration Testing

Cybersecurity solution testing Saudi Arabia safeguards your internal network by simulating attacks from intruders who have gained access, ensuring your IT environment remains resilient against internal breaches.

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Simulating Internal Breaches

Penetration testing services Riyadh emulates the techniques and tactics employed by potential internal intruders. By adopting the mindset of an attacker, we identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that may exist within your internal network.


Assessing Internal Security Measures

Pen testing and validation Saudi Arabia evaluates the effectiveness of your internal security measures, including access controls, privilege management, and network segmentation. This helps uncover any gaps that could be exploited by internal threats.


Enhancing Internal Security

The detailed report of Cyber defence testing Riyadh provides recommendations to strengthen your internal security controls. This involves improving access management, implementing intrusion detection systems, and enhancing employee awareness.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Collaborative Scoping and Goal Definition

Partner with FDT's expert team to define the scope and objectives of your internal penetration testing engagement. We work closely with you to understand your specific environment, ensuring a tailored and effective testing process.

Step 2: Mimicking Internal Threats

Our skilled professionals adopt the mindset of potential internal intruders. By emulating their techniques and tactics, we identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses that may exist within your internal network, providing valuable insights to fortify your defenses.

Step 3: Assessing Internal Security Measures

Evaluate the effectiveness of your internal security controls, access controls, privilege management, and network segmentation. FDT's experts analyze these critical components to uncover any gaps that could be exploited by internal threats.

Step 4: Post-Assessment Support and Consultation

Rely on FDT's ongoing support beyond the assessment phase. We are committed to assisting you in implementing the recommended security measures effectively. Our experts offer consultations and guidance to ensure the robustness of your internal defenses.

Step 5: Safeguarding Your Organization

With FDT's Internal Penetration Testing, fortify your internal network and protect your critical assets. Our eye-catching approach and cutting-edge methodologies will help you identify vulnerabilities, enhance your security posture, and ensure your IT environment remains resilient against internal breaches.
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Your Sensitive Data Cannot Be Compromised!

Don't let vulnerabilities compromise your success – take action today! Contact us for a consultation and let's fortify your business against cyber threats.

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Application Penetration Testing

Penetration testing companies in eastern province in Saudi Arabia identify and address security flaws in your applications through thorough vulnerability scanning, code review, and exploitation testing, enhancing the robustness of your software.

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Comprehensive Vulnerability Scanning

Comprehensive security testing Jeddah employs cutting-edge tools and methodologies to scan your applications for cybersecurity penetration testing. We leave no stone unturned, examining both the front-end and back-end components of your applications.


Code Review

Penetration testing assessment conducts an in-depth code review and identifies any security weaknesses present in your application's codebase. This includes security penetration testing and detecting common vulnerabilities.


Testing and Remediation

Whitebox penetration testing simulates real-world attacks to exploit identified vulnerabilities and assess their potential impact. Our penetration testing professionals provide actionable recommendations for remediation.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Comprehensive Application Assessment

Our expert team begins by conducting a thorough assessment of your applications, encompassing both front-end and back-end components. This includes examining the codebase, architecture, and configuration settings to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Step 2: Vulnerability Scanning and Analysis

Utilizing cutting-edge tools and methodologies, we perform a comprehensive vulnerability scan to uncover known weaknesses and security gaps within your applications. We meticulously analyze the results to prioritize risks based on severity and potential impact.

Step 3: Rigorous Code Review

Our skilled analysts delve into the codebase of your applications, meticulously reviewing the code for common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and insecure session management. By identifying and understanding these weaknesses, we provide actionable insights for remediation.

Step 4: Exploitation Testing

Drawing from real-world attack techniques, we simulate exploitation attempts on your applications. Through controlled testing, we identify any vulnerabilities that could potentially be exploited by malicious actors. Our goal is to understand how attackers might breach your defenses and provide you with actionable recommendations to mitigate these risks.

Step 5: Reporting and Recommendations

Upon completion of the testing phase, we deliver a comprehensive report outlining the identified vulnerabilities and their potential impact. We provide clear and concise recommendations, prioritized by risk level, to assist your development team in remediation efforts.

Step 6: Remediation Support and Reassessment

We offer ongoing support to help your team implement the recommended security measures effectively. Our experts are available to answer any questions, provide guidance on best practices, and assist with the remediation process. We can also conduct a reassessment to validate the effectiveness of the remediation efforts.
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Social Engineering Testing

Assess your organization's resilience to phishing and vishing attacks, replicating real-world techniques used by attackers to evaluate and strengthen your employees' security awareness.

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Phishing Simulation

We conduct targeted phishing campaigns to test your employees' susceptibility to social engineering attacks. By crafting realistic phishing emails and monitoring responses, we assess your organization's vulnerability to phishing attempts.


Vishing Assessment

Our experts employ voice-based social engineering techniques to assess how well your employees handle phone-based attacks. Through simulated vishing calls, we evaluate their ability to recognize and respond appropriately to potential threats.


Security Awareness Training

Based on our findings, we provide customized security awareness training to educate and empower your employees. This includes practical guidance on identifying and mitigating social engineering risks, enhancing your overall security posture.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Physical Security Evaluation

Our experts conduct on-site visits to assess your organization's physical security measures. We evaluate access controls, visitor management, and employee awareness of security protocols. By mimicking real-world scenarios, we uncover vulnerabilities that may be exploited by unauthorized individuals.

Step 2: Security Awareness Training

Based on our findings, we provide customized security awareness training to educate and empower your employees. We offer practical guidance on identifying and mitigating social engineering risks, equipping your workforce with the knowledge and skills to recognize and respond effectively to potential threats.

Step 3: Ongoing Testing and Evaluation

Social engineering threats evolve continuously, which is why we recommend conducting regular testing and evaluations to ensure your organization stays ahead of potential risks. We offer periodic assessments to measure the effectiveness of your security awareness programs and identify areas that require further attention.

Step 4: Reporting and Recommendations

Following the social engineering testing, we provide a detailed report highlighting vulnerabilities, successful attack vectors, and areas for improvement. Our comprehensive recommendations focus on strengthening your organization's human defenses, including policies, procedures, and training initiatives.
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Compliance-driven Penetration Testing

Align with regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOC 2, and more by conducting targeted penetration testing in Saudi Arabia focused on meeting specific compliance mandates.

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Compliance Assessment

Our penetration testing professionals employ black box penetration testing and firewall penetration testing to scan your applications for potential vulnerabilities. Our best penetration testing tools leave no stone unturned.


Identifying Compliance Risks

We identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that may put your organization at risk of non-compliance. By conducting thorough testing and analysis, we help you understand areas that require improvement to meet regulatory standards.


Remediation and Compliance Enhancement

Our comprehensive reports provide actionable recommendations for remediation, enabling you to address compliance gaps effectively. We assist you in implementing necessary security controls and processes to enhance your compliance posture.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Penetration Testing for Compliance

Utilizing targeted penetration testing techniques, we simulate attacks focused on meeting specific compliance mandates. Our team evaluates your systems, applications, and infrastructure to identify any security gaps that could impact your compliance posture. We pay special attention to data protection measures, access controls, and encryption protocols.

Step 2: Compliance Validation and Reporting

After implementing the recommended measures, we conduct validation assessments to ensure the effectiveness of your compliance efforts. Our experts assess the implementation of security controls, monitor data handling practices, and verify compliance with regulatory standards. We provide you with a detailed report documenting your compliance achievements and demonstrating your commitment to meeting industry regulations.

Step 3: Ongoing Compliance Monitoring

Compliance is an ongoing process, and we understand the importance of continuous monitoring. We offer regular assessments to help you maintain compliance with changing regulations and evolving threats. Our team stays up to date with the latest industry standards and ensures that your organization remains resilient to compliance-related risks.
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Remote Access Penetration Testing

Mitigate risks associated with remote work by uncovering misconfigurations, access control vulnerabilities, and other security gaps in cloud, VPN, and firewall infrastructure.

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Cloud Infrastructure Assessment

We assess your cloud environment, including configurations, access controls, and data protection mechanisms. This ensures that your remote work infrastructure is secure and resistant to potential attacks.


VPN and Firewall Evaluation

Our experts evaluate the security of your VPN and firewall systems to identify potential weaknesses. This includes testing for misconfigurations, inadequate access controls, and vulnerabilities that could compromise remote access security.


Strengthening Remote Security

Based on our findings, we provide recommendations to enhance the security of your remote work environment. This includes implementing secure configurations, robust authentication mechanisms, and appropriate access controls to protect sensitive data and ensure a secure remote work experience.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Wireless Network Analysis

We conduct a comprehensive assessment of your wireless network infrastructure, including Wi-Fi, WLAN, and Bluetooth connections. By identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses, we help you protect against unauthorized access, evil twin attacks, and wireless sniffing.

Step 2: Securing Remote Work Environment

Based on our findings, we provide detailed recommendations to enhance the security of your remote work environment. This includes implementing secure configurations, robust authentication mechanisms, and appropriate access controls to protect sensitive data and ensure a secure remote work experience.

Step 3: Testing for Remote Access Risks

Using advanced techniques, we simulate real-world attacks to uncover any risks associated with remote access. This includes attempting to bypass security controls, exploiting vulnerabilities, and assessing your organization's response to remote access threats.

Step 4: Vulnerability Remediation

Our comprehensive reports provide actionable recommendations for remediating vulnerabilities and strengthening your remote access security. We guide you in implementing necessary security controls, patching vulnerabilities, and enhancing remote access policies to ensure a robust and secure remote work environment.

Step 5: Ongoing Monitoring and Support

We understand the importance of continuous monitoring and support for your remote work infrastructure. Our team offers ongoing monitoring services to detect and respond to emerging threats, ensuring the security of your remote access systems and providing you with peace of mind.
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Wireless Penetration Testing

Wireless penetration testing companies in KSA enhance your connection security by detecting and mitigating threats such as unauthorized access, evil twin attacks, wireless sniffing, and more.

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Wireless Network Assessment

Our team conducts a comprehensive assessment of your wireless network infrastructure, including Wi-Fi, WLAN, and Bluetooth connections. We identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers and recommend appropriate security measures.


Evil Twin Detection

We analyze your wireless network for the presence of rogue access points or evil twin attacks. By identifying unauthorized devices masquerading as legitimate access points, we help you eliminate potential entry points for attackers.


Wireless Sniffing Prevention

We assess the effectiveness of your wireless encryption protocols and identify any weaknesses that could allow unauthorized individuals to intercept and decipher wireless communications. We provide recommendations to strengthen your encryption and protect sensitive data.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Vulnerability Exploitation

Using advanced techniques, we simulate real-world attacks to exploit identified vulnerabilities in your wireless network. By understanding how attackers can compromise your wireless connections, we provide actionable insights to fortify your defenses and enhance your wireless security posture.

Step 2: Robust Encryption Implementation

Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for implementing robust encryption protocols to secure your wireless network. This includes configuring secure Wi-Fi settings, implementing strong encryption algorithms, and enforcing strong passwords for wireless access points.

Step 3: Access Control Evaluation

We evaluate the effectiveness of your access controls for wireless devices and networks. This includes assessing the strength of authentication mechanisms, reviewing access policies, and recommending improvements to ensure only authorized users can connect to your wireless network.

Step 4: Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance

Wireless security is an ongoing process. Our team offers continuous monitoring services to detect and respond to emerging wireless threats. We help you stay updated with the latest security patches and ensure the ongoing security and integrity of your wireless network.
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Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Analyze publicly available information to identify potential risks, assess your company's exposure, and proactively counteract potential attack vectors.

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OSINT Research

Our experts conduct extensive research using open-source intelligence to gather information about your organization's online presence, including public websites, social media profiles, and other publicly available data.


Threat Analysis

We analyze the collected information to identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. This includes identifying potential attack vectors and assessing the overall risk landscape.


Proactive Mitigation

Based on our findings, we provide proactive recommendations and strategies to mitigate the identified risks. This may include strengthening your online privacy settings, implementing security measures, and improving your overall digital footprint.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Strengthening Online Privacy Settings

We assist you in strengthening your online privacy settings to protect sensitive information and reduce the risk of unauthorized access. This may involve reviewing and optimizing privacy settings on social media platforms, ensuring that only relevant information is publicly accessible.

Step 2: Implementing Security Measures

We help you implement robust security measures to safeguard your digital assets. This may include adopting multi-factor authentication, enhancing password management practices, and encrypting sensitive data to ensure its confidentiality and integrity.

Step 3: Improving Digital Footprint

We provide guidance on improving your organization's overall digital footprint, including online reputation management and brand protection. This involves monitoring online mentions, addressing potential threats, and actively managing your online presence to maintain a positive image.

Step 4: Continuous Monitoring and Alerting

To stay ahead of emerging threats, we offer continuous monitoring and alerting services. Our advanced tools and techniques enable us to monitor the digital landscape and proactively identify potential risks and vulnerabilities. This ensures that you can take timely actions to protect your organization's assets.
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Red Team Penetration Testing

Conduct realistic, unannounced attacks to evaluate the effectiveness of your preventive controls, detection mechanisms, employee awareness, and incident response capabilities.

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Scenario-based Attacks

Our team conducts a comprehensive assessment of your wireless network infrastructure, including Wi-Fi, WLAN, and Bluetooth connections. We identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers and recommend appropriate security measures.


Detection and Response Assessment

Assessment: We assess your detection and incident response capabilities by monitoring how effectively your security systems identify and respond to our simulated attacks. This helps uncover potential gaps in your defenses and enables you to refine your incident response procedures.


Employee Awareness Evaluation

As part of our red team assessment, we evaluate the awareness and readiness of your employees to detect and report suspicious activities. This includes testing their response to social engineering attempts and providing tailored training to improve their security awareness.


Step into the Secure Zone

Step 1: Vulnerability Identification

Our Red Team experts identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in your systems and applications that could be exploited by attackers. By leveraging advanced techniques and tools, we thoroughly assess your infrastructure and provide actionable recommendations to remediate identified vulnerabilities. This helps you prioritize your efforts and strengthen your security controls.

Step 2: Comprehensive Reporting

Following the Red Team engagement, we provide you with a comprehensive report detailing our findings, including the identified vulnerabilities, successful attack scenarios, and recommendations for improving your security posture. Our reports are tailored to your organization's specific needs and provide clear, actionable steps to enhance your overall defense strategy.

Step 3: Ongoing Support and Collaboration

At FDT, we believe in building strong partnerships with our clients. We offer ongoing support and collaboration to help you implement the recommended security measures, monitor the effectiveness of your defenses, and adapt to evolving threats. Our team of experts is available to provide guidance, answer questions, and assist you in maintaining a proactive security posture.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does penetration testing support organizations with compliance to cybersecurity regulations and standards?

Penetration testing assists organizations by helping them meet regulatory requirements and international standards through the identification and remediation of security vulnerabilities.

What are the potential risks if organizations in Saudi Arabia do not conduct regular penetration testing?

Neglecting regular penetration testing can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, regulatory non-compliance, financial losses, and damage to an organization's reputation. It is critical to conduct these assessments regularly.

How frequently should organizations perform penetration testing to maintain strong cybersecurity defenses?

The frequency of penetration testing may vary based on the organization's specific needs and the evolving threat landscape. Typically, it is conducted annually and after significant system changes.

Cyber Security at Your Fingertips.

Contact Us Today for a Safer Tomorrow!

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