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October 18, 2023

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As companies use new technology, they open themselves up to new security problems. Cybercrime is getting more advanced, which means there are more and trickier threats. Cybercriminals are always finding ways to get past even the best security.

All of this adds up to companies facing more serious cyber threats. In 2022, there was a 38% increase in cyberattacks compared to the year before. As cybercriminals get better at what they do, we can expect more and scarier cyber threats in the future.

Cybersecurity Rising Challenges

While some cyber threats remain consistent over time, others change from year to year. In 2023, businesses need to be ready for these significant cybersecurity challenges. We will discuss some issues and challenges in the realm of cybersecurity.

1. Ransomware Extortion

Ransomware originally involved hackers encrypting your data and demanding a ransom for its release. But as businesses got better at defending against this, cybercriminals adapted. They now use a double extortion tactic where they encrypt your data and then steal some of it. This process is harder to detect and fix even using backups, and it is more dangerous to businesses.

2. Cloud Third-Party Threats

As more companies embrace cloud computing, it brings new security challenges. Not everyone knows the best ways to keep cloud data safe, and there's a shared responsibility model for security in the cloud. This can leave cloud systems more vulnerable to cyberattacks than traditional in-house setups.

While cybercriminals are finding ways to exploit cloud vulnerabilities, they've also started targeting the companies that provide cloud security solutions. If they succeed, they can access their customers' private information and even their IT systems. This kind of attack leverages the trust between organizations and their cloud providers, making the attacks bigger and more damaging.

3. Mobile Malware

Almost everyone uses mobile now, which makes mobile malware a bigger concern. Cybercriminals are getting creative, disguising harmful software as innocent-seeming apps like QR code readers, flashlights, or games. They're getting good at distributing these fake apps on both official and unofficial app stores.

Now, it's not just fake apps but also unauthorized, tweaked versions of real ones. Cybercriminals are spreading these malicious apps as APKs through direct downloads and third-party stores, taking advantage of the apps you trust to sneak malware onto your devices.

Navigating Cybersecurity Challenges in 2023

To tackle the cybersecurity challenges of 2023, keep the following things in mind when designing or upgrading your security system:

1. Strengthening Security

Cybersecurity is getting more complex as technology expands and cyber threats evolve. Companies need a wide range of security tools to stay protected. However, using many separate, specialized solutions can make it tough to manage and monitor your security. Instead, consider security simplification. This means using a single security platform with all the necessary features. It makes your security setup more efficient and easier to handle, and it boosts your ability to manage threats effectively.

2. Prevention-Focused Security

Many corporate cybersecurity plans center on detecting threats after they've already infiltrated the network. This means that there's a gap between when an attack begins and when it's eventually stopped, during which the attacker can do significant damage.

Rather than relying on detection, it's wiser to emphasize prevention. This means identifying and blocking incoming attacks before they even breach your systems. By doing this, you eliminate the potential threats and the damage they can cause, saving your organization both time and money.

3. Complete Security Coverage

As corporate IT systems grow more complex, cybercriminals find more ways to target organizations. Technologies like cloud computing, remote work, mobile devices, and the Internet of Things have opened up new security risks.

Cybercriminals can spot and exploit various weak points to break into a company's systems. A strong cybersecurity plan is one that covers and protects all possible entry points from potential attacks.

Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges in 2023 with FDT

The world of cyber threats is always changing, with new risks emerging as technology evolves and cybercriminals get craftier. To protect your organization, you need to stay ahead of the latest threats.

FDT has solutions customized to meet your security needs in 2023. FDT delivers a unified, proactive, and comprehensive security solution that covers your entire IT infrastructure, whether it's on-premises or in the cloud.


To sum up everything we have demonstrated so far, it is crucial to remember that vigilance, education, and a proactive approach to cybersecurity are our strongest allies in this battle. By keeping a watchful eye on evolving threats, implementing prevention-focused strategies, and investing in comprehensive security solutions, we can protect our digital assets and personal information.

As we journey through the ever-shifting landscape of cybersecurity, one thing remains constant: the importance of adapting and evolving in step with the threats we face. By doing so, we can better defend ourselves against the rising tide of cyber threats and continue to enjoy the benefits of the digital age safely and securely.

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